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Mordred Inlè 02-09-2009 14.01.08

If you could play a Knight or a Lady in a movie...
If you could star as a character in an Arthurian movie which character would you chose?
I'd really like to play Mordred or Kay but I can't because I'm a woman so I think I'd like Lynette. In my opinion she is not too beautiful (or Gareth would have fall in love with her) but she is a strong willed woman.

llamrei 02-09-2009 14.07.33

No dubt: Morgana;)

Mordred Inlè 02-09-2009 14.19.43

Morgana is a lovely character but I know I'm addicted to secondary characters : D so my choice is between Lynette and Elaine (not the damsel of Astolat but Morgause and Morgana's sister).

SakiJune 17-03-2010 20.31.48

Mordred Inlè knows who I would choose: Clarissant! Of course no one will ever make a movie or publish a book about her:(
Morgause would be also interesting, but I have not the right physical features to play her role...
And of course, Lyonesse (though I prefer to spell her name Lyonors)! I would do anything to stay with Gareth!:smile_wub:

Mordred Inlè 17-03-2010 21.27.02

I knew you'd say Clarissant <3

Recently I also think that it'd be nice to play Ragnelle. She has a misterious something around her.
And Morgause would be lovely but I bet her role is the most difficult of all.

SakiJune 23-03-2010 20.29.03


Originalmente inviato da Mordred Inlè (Messaggio 13735)
Recently I also think that it'd be nice to play Ragnelle.

If I played Ragnelle, I'm afraid that people would not spot the difference between "before" and "after" :D

Mordred Inlè 24-03-2010 14.28.18

Uh, I think that'll be what may happen to me too XD
I'll settle for Lynette <3

Lady Gaynor 30-11-2010 01.47.24

No doubt... i'd like to play Ginevra in First Knight, the only movie who has an happy end for the most beautiful couple in the medieval literature... :smile_wub:

Mordred Inlè 30-11-2010 22.07.34

I read also Cornwell's last arthurian novels where Lancelot and Guinevere had a happy ending. But their love was different from the "Chrétien's tradition" because they started to love each other only after Arthur's death.

Lady Gaynor 30-11-2010 22.17.55


Originalmente inviato da Mordred Inlè (Messaggio 24492)
I read also Cornwell's last arthurian novels where Lancelot and Guinevere had a happy ending. But their love was different from the "Chrétien's tradition" because they started to love each other only after Arthur's death.

The guilty love is part of their story, so i can't imagine them the same way as Cromwell did...

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