Discussione: Romanzo Knight life (Peter David)
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Vecchio 16-11-2010, 23.17.22   #2
Mordred Inlè
Cittadino di Camelot
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Registrazione: 02-08-2009
Residenza: A casa mia, spesso
Messaggi: 904
Mordred Inlè è un gioiello nella rocciaMordred Inlè è un gioiello nella rocciaMordred Inlè è un gioiello nella rocciaMordred Inlè è un gioiello nella roccia
Ho appena iniziato a leggerlo.
Come modernizzazioni continuo a preferire la Cochran e Murphy però anche questo è divertente : D

"We swear," said Chico fervently.
This came as no surprise to Arthur, but he waited with polite curiosity to see if that was the
end of the pronouncement. It wasn't.
"We swear our undying allegiance to the man with the Day-Glo sword and the submersible
King Arthur gave a little nod of his head. "Thank you. That's very kind."
There was a long pause, and then Arthur said, "Is that it?"
Chico looked up at him as if Arthur were a drooling idiot. "We're waiting for you to knight
Arthur suppressed a cough. "When hell freezes over," he said
[English Arthurian fandom]

❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ In a relationship with arthurian legends
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