Le serie sono in italics. A volte ho solo scritto il nome della serie e non dei singoli libri perché o esiste un singolo libro che racchiude tutto o la serie non mi interessa particolarmente.
Historia Britonum (Nennius)
Annals Cambriae
The Book of Taliesin
Welsh Triads
Pa Gur?
The Legend of St. Goeznovius
Vita Sancti Cadoc
Vita Sancti Carannog
Vita Sancti Euflami
Vita Sancti Paternus
Gesta Regnum Anglorum (William of Malmesbury)
Historia Anglorum (Henry of Huntington)
Scottish Chronicles (only the arthurian part)
Historia Regum Britanniae (Geoffrey of Monmouth)
Vita Merlini (Geoffrey of Monmouth)
Life of Saint Kentigern
Vita Sancti Illtud
Roman de Brut (Wace)
Tristan (Thomas of Britain)
Tristan (Beroul)
The Lais (Marie de France)
Erec and Enide (Chrétien de Troyes)
Cligés (Chrétien de Troyes)
Yvain, the Knight of the Lion (Chrétien de Troyes)
Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart (Chrétien de Troyes)
Perceval, le Conte du Graal (Chrétien de Troyes) + continuations
Joseph d'Arimathie (Robert de Boron)
Merlin (Robert de Boron)
Perceval (Robert de Boron)
Culhwch and Olwen
Roman de Fergus (Guillaume le Clerc)
Prose Tristan
Roman de Silence
Post-Vulgate Cycle
Roman de Roi Artus (Rustichello da Pisa)
Palamedes (Rustichello da Pisa)
Parzival (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
Brut (Layamon)
The dialogue of Arthur and the Eagle
The dialogue of Melwas and Gwenhwyfar
Alliterative Morte Arthure
Stanzic Morte Arthure
The Avowying of Arthur
The Anwntyrs off Arthure
The Wedding of sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle
Sir Gawain and the Green knight (Pearl Poet)
Yvain and Gawain
Sir Perceval of Galles
Morte d'Arthur (Thomad Malory)
Sir Gawain and the Carle of Carlisle
Arthur of Little Britain
The Greene Knight
The Knightly tale of Gologras and Gawain
The Misfortunes of Arthur (Thomas Hughes)
The Faerie Queen (Edmund Spenser)
The Fair Unknown (Renaut de Bagé)
Idylls of the king (Tennyson)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Mark Twain)
The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights (John Steinbeck)
Arthur rex (Thomas Berger)
Doom of Camelot (James Lowder)
The Crystal Cave (Mary Stewart)
The Hollow Hills (Mary Stewart)
The Last Enchantment (Mary Stewart)
The Wicked Day (Mary Stewart)
The Prince and the Pilgrim (Mary Stewart)
The Dragon and the unicorn (Attanasion A. A.)
The Eagle and the Sword (Attanasio A.A.)
The Wolf and the Crown (Attanasio A.A.)
The Serpent and the Grail (Attanasio A.A.)
For King and Country (Asprin, Robert, and Linda Evans)
Arthur, King (Anderson Dennis Lee)
The Lost Years of Merlin (Barron Thomas. A.)
The King (Donald Barthelme)
Keeper of the King (Nigel & Elrod)
The Tales of Guinevere (Alice Borchardt)
Pendragon: An Historical Novel (Carmichael Douglas)
The Green Knight (Chapman Vera)
King Arthur's Daughter (Chapman Vera)
The King's Damosel (Chapman Vera)
The Enchantresses (Chapman Vera)
The Conscience of the King (Alfred Lee Duggan)
Pendragon (Wilfred Faraday)
Grave Goods (Ariana Franklin)
Pendragon (Faraday Wilfred)
Artorius Rex (Gloag John)
Lionors (Barbara Ferry Johnson)
Mad Merlin (King J. Robert)
Lancelot du Lethe (King J. Robert)
Le Morte D'Avalon (King J. Robert)
Blessed Bastard: A Novel of Galahad (Lehmann, Ruth P. M.)
A Connecticut Fashionista in King Arthur's Court (Mancusi Marianne)
The Pagan King (Edison Marshall)
Black Horses for the King (McCaffrey Anne)
Albion: The White Phantom (Patrick McCormack)
The road to Camelot (Marti Phillips)
Daughter of Tintagel (Sampson Fay)
The Grail of Hearts (Susan Shwartz)
King Arthur (Thompson Frank)
The Green Man (Henry Treece)
Lancelot: A Novel (Vansittart Peter)
Arthur the bear of Britain (Frankland Edward)
Queen of Camelot (Nancy McKenzie)
The Grail Prince (Nancy McKenzie)
Knight Life (Peter David)
One Knight Only (Peter David)
Fall of Knight (Peter David)
King Arthur (Geronimo Stilton)
The first knight (Elizabeth Chadwick)
Ghost King (David Gemmell)
Last Sword of Power (David Gemmell)
Taliesin (Stephen R. Lawhead)
Merlin (Stephen R. Lawhead)
Arthur (Stephen R. Lawhead)
Pendragon (Stephen R. Lawhead)
Grail (Stephen R. Lawhead)
Firelord (Parke Godwin)
Beloved Exile (Parke Godwin)
La magica storia di re Artù (Paola Zannoner)
King Arthur: dragon's Child (Hume)
The bloody cup (Hume)
Warrior of the west (Hume)
Merlino e il destino di un giovane mago (Luisa Mattia)
Merlino e la magia di Stonehenge (Luisa Mattia)
Merlino e il cerchio del futuro (Luisa Mattia)
Mordred's version: King Arthur's dishonour (Beric Norman)
Camelot: L'invenzione della Tavola Rotonda (Teresa Buongiorno)
The King Arthur Trilogy (Rosemary Sutcliff)
The Dark Is Rising (Susan Cooper)
Le Cronache di Merlino (Mino Milani)
The return of Merlin (Deepak Chopra)
Quando eravamo cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda (Renato Giovannoli)
The Pendragon (Catherine Mary Christian)
Merlino (Michel Rio)
Morgana (Michel Rio)
Artù (Michel Rio)
The Drawing of the Dark (Tim Powers)
Forever King (Cochran & Warren Murphy)
The Broken Sword (Cochran & Warren Murphy)
The Third Magic (Cochran)
Child of the Northern Spring (Persia Woolley)
Queen of the summer stars (Persia Woolley)
Guinevere: The legend in autumn (Persia Woolley)
Downflight (Kim Headlee)
Galahad, knight errant (Southworth Mary)
Avalon High (Meg Cabot)
Camulod Chronicles (Jack Whyte)
The Once and Future King (T. H. White)
The Book of Merlyn (T. H. White)
Kisnmen of the Grail (Dorothy Roberts)
Song of the Sparrow (Ann Sandell)
The Mordred Cycle (Hayden Middleton)
Pendragon's Banner trilogy (Helen Hollick)
The Hallowed Isles (Diana Paxson)
Merlin Investigation (JMC Blair)
Life of sir Aglovale de Galis (Clemence Housman)
Parzival and the Stone from Heaven (Lindsay Clarke)
To the chapel Perilous (Mitchison)
The road to Avalon (Joan Wolf)
Sword at Sunset (Rosemary Sutcliff)
Corbenic (Catherine Fisher)
Exiled from Camelot (Cherith Baldry)
The book of Mordred (Peter Hanratty)
The book of Mordred (Vivian Valde)
Mordred, bastard son (Douglas Clegg)
The winter king (Bernard Cornwell)
Enemy of God (Bernard Cornwell)
Excalibur: A novel of Arthur (Bernard Cornwell)
The Quest for Merlin (Nikolai Tolstoy)
Isaac Asimov's Camelot
Mordred, a tragedy (Henry Newolt) - theatre
Guinevere (Graham Hill) - theatre
King Arthur (J. Comyns Carr) - theatre
Mordred (William Wilfred Campbell) - theatre
Grail's Magic (Wolfgang Hohlbein, Heike Hohlbein)
Elf Sword (Wolfgang Hohlbein, Heike Hohlbein)
Runes Shield (Wolfgang Hohlbein, Heike Hohlbein)
Camelot's Blood (Sarah Zettel)
Camelot's Honour (Sarah Zettel)
Camelot's Shadow (Sarah Zettel)
Camelot's Sword (Sarah Zettel)
The Merriest Knight: The Collected Arthurian Tales of Theodore Goodridge Roberts
Lancelot (Gwen Rowley)
Gawain (Gwen Rowley)
Geraint (Gwen Rowley)
The Magic of Camelot (Gabrielle Gilkison)
The Pagan King (Edison Marshall)
Guinevere novels (Rosalind Miles)
King Arthur, King of Kings (Jean Markale)
Galahad (John Erskine)
I am Mordred (Nancy Springer)
I am Morgan (Nancy Springer)
Gwenhwyfar the White Spirit (Mercedes Lackey)
Arthur the King (Allan Massie)
Camelot Lost (Jessica Bonito)
In the Shadow of the Oak King (Jones Courtway)
Witch of the North (Jones Courtway)
A Prince in Camelot (Courtway Jones)
Sword of the Rightful King (Jane Yolen)
Mordred's Apple (The Chronicles of Sir Kay) (David Pilling)
Guinevere (Sharan Newman)
King Arthur’s Raid on the Underworld (Caitlin & John Matthews)
Save Your Son (Scott Bowers)
In the court of King Arthur (Samuel E. Lowe)
The boy's King Arthur (Sidney Lanier)
King Arthur's knights (Henry Gilbert)
The Ballad of sir Dinadan (Gerald Morris)
The Crimson Chalice (Victor Canning)
The Squire's Tale (Gerald Morris)
The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady (Gerald Morris)
The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf (Gerald Morris)
Parsifal's Page (Gerald Morris)
The dwarf, the princess and the dung-cart Knight (Gerald Morris)
The Lioness and Her Knight (Gerald Morris)
The Quest of the Fair Unknown (Gerald Morris)
The Squire's Quest (Gerald Morris)
The legend of the king (Gerald Morris)
The Pendragon Chronicles (Mike Ashley)
The Camelot Chronicles (Mike Ashley)
The Merlin Chronicles (Mike Ashley)
Chronicles of the Holy Grail (Mike Ashley)
The Chronicles of the Round Table (Mike Ashley)
The Adventures of sir Lancelot the Great (Gerald Morris)
The Adventures of sir Givret the Short (Gerald Morris)
The Adventures of sir Gawain the True (Gerald Morris)
The Adventures of sir Balin the Ill-Fated (Gerald Morris)
The Emperor Arthur (Godfrey Edmind Turton)
Excalibur! (Gil Kane)
I, Morgain: A Novella (Harry Robin)
Merlin's Harp (Anne Crompton)
Gawain and Lady Green (Crompton Anne Eliot)
King & Raven (Cary James)
Last Knight of Albion (Peter Hanratty)
Ard Righ: The Sword on the Stone (Ray L. Cattie)
Dragon Lord (David Drake)
The mists of Avalon (Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Down th long wind (Gillian Bradshaw)
The Idylls of the Queen (Phyllis Ann Karr)
The Follies of sir Harald (Phyllis Ann Karr)
The winter prince (Elizabeth Wein)
Mordred's curse (McDowell)
Il passo di Merlino - Le pais de Merlin (Jean Louis Fetjane)
Brocéliande (Jean Louis Fetjane)
Here Lies Arthur (Philip Reeve)
The Legend of King Arthur in Art (Muriel Whitaker)
The Arthur of the Welsh (Rachl Bromwich)
Arthur of the English (William Raymond Johnston Barron)
Arthurian legend in Italian Literature (Edmund G. Gardner)
Celtic sources for Arthurian legend (Jon B. Coe, Simon S. Young)
The Arthur of the French (Glyn S. Burgess)
The Fall of Kings and Princes (M. Victoria Guerin)
A Companion to the Lancelot-Grail (Carol Dover)
The world of Camelot: King Arthur (Michael Foss)
New Directions in Arthurian studies (Alan Lupack)
Paganism in Arthurian Romance (John Darrah)
The Keys to Avalon (Steve Blake, Scott Lloyd)
The scots and medieval arthurian legend (Rhiannon Purdie, Nicola Royan)
Arthurian romance and gender (Friedrich Wolfzettel)
The Magical Quest (Anne Wilson)
Cei and the Arthurian legend (Linda Gowans)
Ginevra (Mauro di Maggio)
Arthur the dragon king (Howard Reid)
Comedy in Arthurian Literature (Keith Busby, Roger Dalrymple)
The Arthurian companion (Phyllis Ann Karr)
The Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legend (Alan Lupack)
The Mammoth book of king Arthur (Mike Ashley)
Arthurian companion (Phyllis Ann Karr)
Ultima modifica di Mordred Inlè : 28-01-2012 alle ore 08.11.28.