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Vecchio 29-05-2009, 12.02.20   #6
Cittadino di Camelot
L'avatar di zaffiro
Registrazione: 19-04-2009
Messaggi: 202
zaffiro sarà presto famosozaffiro sarà presto famoso
Per voi,messer anton guiscard.
But now the world,not seing in these dayes
Such present proues of mine almightly power,
Disdaines my name,and seketh sondry wayes
To conquer and deface me everie houre.
My name supprest tu raise againe therfore,
And in this age myne honor and renome
By mightlu act intending to restore,
Down to the earth in spite now am I come

Gismond of Salerne

Amore si vendica sempre,ma l'uomo nondimeno lo rivendica in tutti i tempi.
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